Welcome Back Dre Twt

we are so pleased to host Dre Twt once again this MarchSaturday 29th March
Yr Hen Farchnad

After lots of positive feedback following their visits last year, we are so pleased to host Dre Twt once again this March. The post-office, salon, fire station and of course Twtsco will all be returning, sparking creative play and fun in everyone. On Saturday 29th March there will be two morning sessions starting at 9.30am and 11.15am. Sessions are £8.50 per child (adults and babies under 6 months free) and are 75 minutes each.

Please select the correct time slot when booking:
Session 1: 9.30 – 10.45. Book here: www.book.stripe.com
Session 2: 11.15 – 12.30. Book here: www.book.stripe.com

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