Hengwrt yw canolfan gymunedol, dreftadaeth ac ymwelwyr Llandeilo. Yma, cei ddarganfod stori gyfoethog a diddorol yr ardal.
Hengwrt is Llandeilo’s community, heritage, and visitor centre. Here, you will discover the area’s varied and fascinating story.

Ddim yn siŵr ble i fynd ar dy antur leol nesaf, neu eisiau dysgu mwy am hanes Llandeilo? Dyma’r lle i ti, felly galwa mewn i ddweud helo!  Yn un o adeiladau hynaf Llandeilo, mae gan Hengwrt stori ddiddorol. O farchnad agored i lys ynadon, gorsaf heddlu i swyddfeydd – bu’r adeilad yn ganolog i fywyd yn y dref ers dros 200 mlynedd.

Yn dilyn gwaith adnewyddu sylweddol gan Fenter Dinefwr, mae Hengwrt bellach yn gartref i’r Fenter, ac yn cynnwys canolfan dreftadaeth, siop nwyddau a llyfrau Cymreig, ystafelloedd ar gyfer digwyddiadau, gofod cymunedol, a phencadlys Cyngor Tref Llandeilo Fawr.

Not sure where to go on your next local adventure, or want to learn more about the history of Llandeilo? This is the place for you, so call in to say hello! As one of Llandeilo’s oldest buildings, Hengwrt has a fascinating story. From open market to magistrates’ court, police station to offices – the building has been central to life in the town for over 200 years.

Following major refurbishment work by Menter Dinefwr, Hengwrt is now home to Menter, and includes a heritage centre, Welsh gifts and book shop, event rooms, and Llandeilo Fawr Town Council’s headquarters.

Manylion cyswllt | Contact details:
Ffôn | Tel: 01558 263 123
E-bost | Email: hengwrt@menterdinefwr.cymru

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